A.D.M.K. 52nd Inaugural Ceremony

Arcot Union, Melvisharam areas of ADMK. The 52nd year opening ceremony was held.

Arhat Eastern Union ADMK On behalf of the Old Regional Development Office, on behalf of the Western Union, Upuppetai Village,ADMK has won Annasalai for the eastern part of Melvisharam city and Kathiyawadi Kootrodu for the western part.The 52nd year opening ceremony was held.

Ranipet West District Secretary SM Sukumar participated in the program and garlanded portraits of Anna, MGR and Jayalalithaa.He hoisted the party flag and distributed sweets and food to the public.

Former District Secretary Sumidhangi C. Ejumalai, former MLA participated in the program. VKR Srinivasan, Eastern Union Secretary Valavanur S. Anpahagan, West Union Secretary Thalanur N. Sarathy alias Jayachandran, Melvisharam East City Secretary MSVG,Melvisharam West City Secretary A. Ibrahim Khalilullah, Former General Committee Member T. K. Ganesan, Administrators Balaji Keerthy, Bhaskaran,Ravi, Mansoorbasha, Akbarbasha, Shafiq Ahmed, city councilors Jamunaranivji, Lakshmi Somasundaram and ADMK were present.

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