A fire broke out in a firecracker shop

There are 48 firecracker shops and 12 firecracker manufacturing plants operating in Valangaiman area of ​​Tiruvarur district. Customers come here not only from Tiruvarur but also from nearby districts to buy crackers.

In this situation, in the firecracker shop owned by Senthilkumar located on the road from Valangaiman to Gudavasal, a sudden fire broke out during the night.There was commotion as the crackers exploded in the area where the crackers were kept at the back of the shop.

Valangaiman and Gudavasal fire department rushed to the spot after getting information about this and extinguished the fire after fighting for about an hour. Firecrackers worth around 10 lakh rupees exploded in this fire.Fortunately no one was injured as no one was in the shop at the time of the fire. Valangaiman police are investigating in this regard.

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