Another leopard was caught

Devotees who come to visit the seven mountain idols in Tirupati walk along the Alibiri and Sri Wari Medu footpaths and perform darshan.

In this case, a 6-year-old girl who was walking along the Alibiri footpath with her parents was dragged by a leopard and bitten to death. After this they decided to trap the leopard in a cage. Accordingly, the cage was set up at various places in the forest areas of the two corridors. So far 4 leopards have been caught in these cages. These leopards were released in the Tirupati Wildlife Park.

In this situation, another leopard roaming on the Tirupati footpath has been trapped in a cage set up by the forest department. Officials including Forest Department Trustee Committee Chairman Karunakar visited the captured leopard in person and sent it to the zoo. So far 5 leopards have been caged.

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