Ayushman Bhava scheme on the occasion of Prime Minister Modi’s birthday

As Prime Minister Modi’s birthday is celebrated on the 17th, the Union Health Ministry has planned to launch a scheme called Ayushman Bhava.

According to this, it will be ensured that all the health programs run by the state will reach the beneficiaries.

Ayushman Melas will be conducted under this scheme. With the help of this, awareness will be built on health issues, diagnosis and early treatment will be provided. Thus, every eligible user can avail their benefits.

Regarding this, Union Health Minister Mansukh Mandaviya said that we are going to implement the Ayushman Bhava scheme on the occasion of Prime Minister Modi’s birthday.

Through this, it will be ensured that all the state health schemes are properly reached to every necessary beneficiary in the shop floor, he said.
Under this scheme, camps will be set up and Ayushman Bharat cards will be given to 60 thousand people. He said that this program will be conducted more often in the coming times and health services and programs will be provided.

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