In the Thirumalpur area, near Nemili, a protest was held by the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) against the price hike. The central district leader of BJP, Sakthivel, led the event. The deputy district leader Arunkumar and the public officer Paskar were also present. During the protest, they demanded the control of price hikes on essential commodities, reduction in electricity and water charges, proper implementation of government schemes, and regularization of teacher’s temporary positions in schools and colleges. They also criticized the policies of the central government and raised slogans against the ruling DMK party. Similar protests were held in the areas of Nemili, Asanellikuppam, Magendhiravadi, Kattuppakkam, Kaveribakkam, Karnavur, Keelvithi, Panapakkam, Siruvalaiyam, Veeramangalam, Athipattu, Alappakkam, Cheri, Ocheri, Avalur, Mamandur, and other regions to express discontent against the state government, under the leadership of the BJP.
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