Nayanthara, who recently joined Instagram, has been posting reels with her two children as Shema Maas with Jailer movie song. Since then, Atlee has promoted the Tamil and Hindi trailers of Shahrukh Khan’s Jawaan on his Instagram page.
Also, the video footage of Sami visiting the Tirupati temple with actor Shah Rukh Khan was also released and surprised not only the fans but also the entire film industry.
Nayanthara visited the Tirupati temple with her husband Vignesh Sivan, Shah Rukh Khan and Shah Rukh Khan’s daughter Sukhana Khan.
Recently, on the occasion of Onam celebration, she posted a photo of her two children eating while sitting on a banana leaf. Now, on the occasion of Krishna Jayanti, Nayanthara wished her fans a happy Krishna Jayanti by posting a picture of herself dressed as little Krishnas and crawling into the puja room.
Our house Krishnas… Such a blessing #KrishnaJayanti with the most beautiful, blessed moments! posted as.
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He Born on February 5, 1985, in Funchal, Madeira, Portugal, is widely regarded as one of the greatest footballers of all time His career has been marked by a relentless drive for success, exceptional athleticism, and an extraordinary ability to score goals. Here’s a detailed history of his life and football career: Early Life and […]
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