How to commit suicide? The youth searched on Google

A 28-year-old man living in Mallat area of ​​Mumbai lost his job 6 months ago. He kept trying for other jobs but did not get a job. As a result, he was unable to arrange money for the bail of his mother, who was arrested and imprisoned in a criminal case two years ago.

Frustrated by these reasons, the young man decided to commit suicide. For this, he has searched many times on Google how to commit suicide. In this situation, the Interpol officials who are monitoring Google, informed the Mumbai Police about this via email last Tuesday afternoon.

They also shared the mobile number used by the person during his online search. Based on this information, the crime branch police tracked down the man within two hours and gave him counseling to overcome his suicidal thoughts. They promised to find him a job and sent him to his relative’s house.

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