In order to add pride to the fame of former Indian Prime Minister VP Singh, a statue will be erected in Chennai during the assembly session held last April. Chief Minister M.K.Stalin announced under Article 110. Following this, on behalf of the Government of Tamil Nadu, a new VP Singh statue will be erected at a cost of Rs 52 lakh in the state college campus on Kamarajar Road, Chennai.
The statue has been inaugurated by Chief Minister M. K. Stalin at 11 am today. The Chief Minister M.K.Stalin will deliver the speech at the ceremony which will be held at Kalaiwanar Arangam.Chief Minister M.K.Stalin will deliver the speech at the ceremony at Tarndu Kalaivanar Arangam. In the inauguration ceremony of this statue, Uttar Pradesh Former Chief Minister Akhilesh Yadav will be the Chief Guest. Ministers, MPs, MLAs and government officials are also expected to attend the event.
When VP Singh was the Prime Minister, he set up a tribunal for the Cauvery water issue. It is noteworthy that he implemented the recommendation that 27 percent reservation in government jobs can be given to backward people.
Virat Kohli, born on November 5, 1988, in Delhi, India, is one of the greatest cricketers of all time and a former captain of the Indian cricket team. Known for his aggressive style of play, extraordinary consistency, and fitness, Kohli has broken numerous records in international cricket and remains a global icon in the sport. […]
He Born on February 5, 1985, in Funchal, Madeira, Portugal, is widely regarded as one of the greatest footballers of all time His career has been marked by a relentless drive for success, exceptional athleticism, and an extraordinary ability to score goals. Here’s a detailed history of his life and football career: Early Life and […]
The earthquake struck at 4.33 am today. An earthquake struck Leh in Ladakh this morning. The National Seismological Center reported that the magnitude of the earthquake was 4.5 on the Richter scale, which occurred at 4.33 am. The earthquake was centered at a depth of 5 km in Levee. Although buildings were slightly shaken due […]
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