Mountain train operation between Mettupalayam-Ooty

A mountain train runs from Mettupalayam in Coimbatore to Ooty in Nilgiris. Tourists are keen to travel by train which has a heritage status. In this situation, due to various reasons including the upcoming festival, the railway administration has decided to run the special hill train between Mettupalayam-Ooty from 16th. Tourists are happy with this.

For the convenience of tourists, a special train will be run between Mettupalayam-Ooty on 16th, 30th, 21st and 23rd October and between Ooty-Mettupalayam on 18th, October 2nd, 22nd and 24th.

The train departs from Mettupalayam and Ooty at 9.10 am. Similarly, special hill train between Coonoor-Ooty will be operated on 17th, 18th, 1st and 2nd of October and between Ooty-Coonoor on 16th, 17th, 30th and 1st of October. The train departs from Coonoor to Ooty at 8.20 am and from Ooty to Coonoor at 4.45 pm.

The train will run between Mettupalayam-Coonoor with 40 seats in first class. Coonoor to Ooty will be operated with an additional 40 seats in 1st class with 80 seats and 140 seats in 2nd class. Apart from this, 3 special trains will be operated between Ooty and Kethi on 17th October and 1st October. Tourists have to book online to travel in this. It says so.

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