Petrol Rate in Ranipet

பெட்ரோல் விலை (லிட்டருக்கு) ₹103.96

Diesel Rate in Ranipet

டீசல் விலை (லிட்டருக்கு) ₹95.27
Petrol price in Ranipet is Rs. 103.96 Per Litre and diesel price is Rs. 95.49 Per Litre Per Litre. Check Petrol price today in Ranipet, Tamil Nadu, India (India, Bhaarat, Bharat, Hindustan) The current Ranipet Petrol price per litre is obtained from various sources like Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited . Today’s Vellore Petrol Price is 104.24 rupee per litre: Here you can find Latest Petrol/Diesel Price in Vellore city.

The prices of petrol and diesel in India are determined by the state-run oil marketing companies – Indian Oil Corporation (IOC), Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited (BPCL) and Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited (HPCL) – based on the international crude oil prices and the currency exchange rate. Here are the current (as of 11 May 2023) petrol and diesel rates in some of the major cities in India: City Petrol Price (per liter) Diesel Price (per liter) Delhi Rs. 114.74 Rs. 102.05 Mumbai Rs. 120.57 Rs. 107.86 Chennai Rs. 114.33 Rs. 105.50 Kolkata Rs. 116.24 Rs. 105.28 Bangalore Rs. 112.71 Rs. 101.45 Hyderabad Rs. 114.55 Rs. 104.34

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