Ranipet Collector Office Phone Number

Ranipet collector office phone number

District Collector Office Ranipet
Bharathi Nagar bus stop,
Ranipet- 632401

Phone : +91-4172 – 271000
Fax : +91-4172 – 271000
E mail : collr-rpt@gov.in

Responsibility of Ranipet District Collector

The three primary responsibilities of the Ranipet District Collector are fiscal, judicial, and developmental. The State and Central governments have also given him a vast number of other duties, such as managing disasters, overseeing local government institutions, and conducting elections, in addition to these key ones. Collectors were primarily tasked with managing taxes, but after Independence, as the nature of the state has changed significantly from one of police rule to one of development and welfare, the Collector’s job has evolved to include the implementation of all development initiatives. Since he is a Generalist, he holds meetings with the various departments that fall under Specialists, such as engineers, physicians, etc., to coordinate their work.

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