Reduced price of cylinders for commercial use

Edible oil companies are consistently adjusting the price of the cooking gas cylinder. Accordingly, on the first day of this month, companies have revised and announced the price of the cylinder. On this September date, they have reduced the price of the cooking gas cylinder for commercial use by Rs. 157.50. After implementing this, the cylinder with a weight of 19 kilograms, which was sold in Chennai for Rs. 1,852.50, is now being sold for Rs. 1,695 for commercial use. In the past months of July and August, the price of the commercial cylinder decreased to Rs. 93 and Rs. 92.50 respectively. Currently, the price of the commercial cylinder for cooking gas has been reduced by Rs. 157.50. For the past several months, there has been no change in the price of household LPG cylinders. In this situation, before the coalition of central ministers, which took place more than 2 weeks ago, the price of the 14.2 kg household LPG cylinder was reduced by Rs. 200. As a result of this, the price of the household LPG cylinder has been reduced to Rs. 918.50. The sale of the household LPG cylinder at this revised price is noted.

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